Who We Are
We are
Life Turning Point of Philadelphia

Our Mission
To teach single mothers how to restructure their lives according to Biblical truth and become self-sufficient, productive, members of society.
Our Vision
Transforming families to impact the world.
"So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless." James 2:17
New direction
Hope for change
Willingness to do the work
Each objective of our program, with the exception of Willingness to do the work and Self-sufficiency, will be met through the following components of our ministry:
Intake and interview process
Staff modeling Jesus Christ
Life Skill Bible Classes
Case Management
Personal Assignments
The strategy for Willingness to do the work and for Self-sufficiency are as follows:
Willingness to do the work:
Household responsibilities
Job search
Advanced education/training
Personal Assignments
Maintain employment
Savings program
Obtain housing

Our Moms Call This "Home"
"For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in." Ps 27:10
Life Turning Point of Philadelphia was established in 2019 as a means to serve homeless women and children in Philadelphia. The program of Life Turning Point of Philadelphia is unique as it will provide a comprehensive, Bible-based, life-skills, training program for homeless women and children in the City of Philadelphia. Life Turning Point of Philadelphia provides shelter for homeless women and children for up to 18 months with a Biblical life-skills training program, while securing employment and permanent housing. This unique program will fortify our families for more robust self-sufficiency.
The Heart of A Missionary
In 1997 I sensed the Lord calling me off of my corporate job of 9 1/2 years to serve in full-time ministry to homeless women and children in Philadelphia. The following year, I quit my lucrative job, walked away from my pension, got rid of my apartment, sold all of my things, and moved into Wayne Hall as a missionary to homeless women and children. I eventually became the Director and served for 21 years until 2019 when the parent organization decided to discontinue the ministry to homeless women and children and the home was closed. Upon closure, all of the families were displaced. This was a devastating turn of events.
However some supporters of the ministry didn't want to see the ministry end, and neither did I or the staff. They rallied together to try to acquire the property back so the ministry could continue. Ultimately, Dee Adcock purchased the property for the ministry and other friends of the ministry came together with seed money for renovations. Now, the place where I started as a volunteer missionary is home to my own ministry, Life Turning Point of Philadelphia.
My joy is hearing the moms speak of LTP as home. Hearing them tell their kids, "We're home!" When they walk in the door. Or when they call the office & say "I'm on my way HOME." And, Seeing the moms have a desire to learn more about the Bible.
Rita Whitaker Founder, Executive Director

Our Team
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up."​​Ecclesiastes 4:9-12